Scenography / performance / exhibition / works
- "Home Away From Home", Creation: Polymer DMT, Director: Fang Yun Lo - Scenographer
film version (online premiere) : 26 February 2021, HELLERAU Dresden, PACT Zollverein Essen
stage premiere : 7 May 2021, Cloud Gate Theatre, New Taipei City
"Better Life?" , Creation: Polymer DMT, Director: Fang Yun Lo - Scenographer / lighting design / technical direction
Premiere: 15 August 2020, Iron Rose Art Festival, Taoyuan/TW
"Qingdao – a messy archive - Deutsche Kolonialvergangenheit in China" , Online presentation - Artistic director Team/ performer
Premiere: 2 May 2020, junges NTM, Mannheim (DE)
- "Unsolved" , Creation: Polymer DMT, Director: Fang Yun Lo - Scenographer and performer
September 28/29, 2018, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)
Premiere: October 19/20/21, 2018, Umay Theater / Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipeh (TW)
- "UNE EUROPE VUE D'AILLEURS - ÎLES FLOTTANTES"- Residence presentation, co-director and performer,premiere 22. Mai 2017, Théâtre de la Ville ,Paris (Fr). 2. September 2017, Taipeh Arts Festival, Wellspring Theater, Taipeh (TW)
- "in/the/back/no/words/hearing", choreographer: Karina Suárez Bosche, Tour in Mexico.
- "EX_IST", choreographer: Jung-Sun Kim, Uferstudios Berlin, Germany – scenography/light and costume design
- „desierto de sillas”, asia tour : ACT Festival Shanghai, VR china und Yard Theater, Kaohsiung, Taiwan - Szenografin /Licht Intervention.-
- „ 燃燒的頭髮 - 為了詩的祭典 ” , Against Again Troupe, Tainan, Taiwan - Performance und Visual Director.
- group exhibition & Residence with group „ Berlin Rhizom“ , Taipei & Kaohsiung, Taiwan -
Installation / Performance.
- "覺 Schlaf / Wachsein", in relation to the group exhibition & Residence " Wittenberg Rhizom " in KulturBotschaft, Wittenberg - Installation / Performance
- " desierto de sillas ", Sånafestivalen in Hølen, Norway & bat theatre, Berlin - Intervention and light design
- " GRAY ", Uferstudios, Berlin - scenography
- " Aufgabe für drei Tänzer mit Kubus ", supported by the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, Uferstudios Berlin & Bauhaus Dessau - Installation / Performance
- „ in / the / back / no / words / hearing", Uferstudios & bat theatre & Sophiensäle (100 Grad Festiva), Berlin - scenography
- „ Puppen / Waren / Sperren ”, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" Berlin - Puppets installation.
- „ Time of Liberty ” , Against Again Troupe, GLT ,Taipei - stage design
- „ Three rooms and a living room ”, O Theatre ,GLT ,Taipei - stage design
- „ Lost home ” , Body Phase Studio & Asia meets Asia Project, Proto Theatre, Tokyo - Performance
- „ Lu Xun 2008 ” , Body Phase Studio & Asia meets Asia Project , GLT, Taipei - Performance
- „ Play Landscapes ” , Young Star’s New Vision Drama Ⅲ, Taipei - stage design
- „ Beyond Flow ", Transnational Performance Plan, Gang-a-tsui Theater , Odin Teatret and Eugenio Barba, Taipei - Performance
- „ 1:24 Psychoses ” Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei – stage design