Cheng Ting, Chen

(1985, Taiwan)
is a scenographer, theatre designer and performer.
Chen received her MA in scenography (Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum) from the TU Berlin and her BA in Theatrical Design and Technology from the TNUA Taipei. After her studies in Taiwan, Chen worked in Taipei as a scenographer for theaters and was technical director of the Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre. At the same time she cooperated with different Art groups in Taiwan like Body Phase Studio, against again Troupe, Gang-a-tsui theater (in project “Beyond Flow", Transnational Performance Plan with Odin Teatret), and others, in the field of theatre design, Physical performance and Dance.
Since 2010 Chen lives and works in Berlin, and presented her works in Uferstudios, Sophiensäle, Bauhaus Dessau, Ballhaus Ost and bat Theatre. Her development leads her further away from the traditional Stage Art and more towards multidisciplinary space experiments, Visual Arts and Performance Art. Since the last two years Chen has gone a step further in her Space - Body - Material – experiments and started working on themes like "Performance-installation" in cross-field / cross-cultural context, She is currently freelance theater designer and collaborating artist with the artist team "Polymer DMT " in Germany and Taiwan
劇場舞台與空間設計師。2007年畢業於國立台北藝術大學劇場設計學系,爾後於2013年在德國柏林工業大學舞台與空間設計研究所 (Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum , TU Berlin) 完成碩士學位。2008-10年間任職於台北牯嶺街小劇場經營管理處技術統籌,以及台北市復興高級中學戲劇班講師,同時以舞台設計師與肢體表演者等身分參與身體氣象館(Asia meets Asia 計畫)、江之翠南管劇場 (與歐丁劇場合作之„Beyond Flow Project“計畫)、再拒劇團、O劇團等團體及台灣各世代劇場藝術工作者合作。設計作品兩次入選世界劇場設計展(World Stage Design),分別於2009及2017年在首爾和台北展出。2010年起旅居柏林至今,作品逐漸由較傳統形式的戲劇場景設計轉型向更多元的空間實驗,並經常遊走於表演者、舞台燈光技術設計與視覺統籌等不同角色參與跨領域創作,2013-14年間參與由包浩斯基金會策劃的包浩斯舞蹈(Bauhaustanzen)計畫後,更進一步開始了以身體表演尋找空間素材的創作實驗,並延伸到探討個人與身處的環境、社會、群體互動、認同與衝突的命題。2013年起與墨西哥裔德國編舞家Karina Suárez Bosche合作一系列接觸即興舞作,並一起於2015-2018年 與巴西裔編舞家Andrea Krohn共同籌備成立了 "P_A_R_A_R / Immersive Performance Art " 舞蹈創作平台並任職視覺與技術統籌。近年設計作品散見於歐陸的德國、挪威,亞洲的台灣、中國與中美洲的墨西哥。目前為Polymer DMT 聚合舞跨國共製團隊合作藝術家之一。